Can you get a refund on Expedia?

How do I get a refund from Expedia? 

In case your plan changes and you now need to cancel the booking and get a refund, here are the simple methods you can follow:- 

Request refund online 

  • To request a refund for Expedia on other airlines, you first need to go to the official website of Expedia
  • There locate the My Trip section ad retrieve the booking 
  • You can click on the ticket you wish to cancel and request a refund for 
  • Then hit the link 'cancel flight' and follow the instructions on the screen 
  • You can provide the cancellation reason and complete the process by paying the applicable 
  • fee applies 
  • Go to the refund option and open the refund request application form
  • Provide the refund details and submit the form 
  • Once your request is submitted, you can expect the amount to reflect in your bank in around 7-14 working days. 
  • Contact the airline directly to request a refund for Expedia flights on discounted airlines. 

Request a refund over the phone 

You could contact Expedia directly if you didn't get the cancellation or refund option online. Make a call on Expedia customer service number 1-800-397-3342. You can follow IVR and speak to the agent directly to request a refund.

Do you get a refund if you cancel on Expedia?

Whether you will get a refund or not depends on the cancellation policy of the airline you booked with Expedia. For some tickets, you can opt to get a full refund if you cancel the booking in advance, whereas for others, you might need to pay a cancellation charge or get no refund at all. So you must go through the airline's cancellation and refund policy before booking. 

Besides, if your ticket is refundable, you will always get a refund with or without the deduction of cancellation charges. In the case of a non-refundable ticket, you might get only future credit. So getting a refund also depends on the ticket condition that you book from Expedia. 

Can you get a full refund on Expedia within 24 hours?

Yes, as per the cancellation policy, you can get a full refund for Expedia within 24 hours of booking the ticket. The policy is applicable for tickets you booked directly from the Expedia website, mobile site, or mobile app. You can cancel the booking within 24 hours and receive a full refund as long as the booking is made 24 hours before the check-in date. However, it does not apply to non-refundable tickets and can vary depending on the countries you book tickets for.

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